Hosting Courses
MORE can provide tailored instructional courses for governmental, non-profit and educational organizations or other clients. We enjoy working closely with our clients to develop and execute programs to meet the specific needs of each participant, as well as the objectives of the client organizations served by MORE.
If your organization is interested in offering a MORE course, there are two types of opportunities:
HOST a program;
Your organization hosts a course that will be offered to the public.
Your organization announces the offering through its related web site, social media, calendar, info board, local media and email.
Your organization hosts the event in an appropriate space – coordinated in advance with MORE.
MORE provides all registration, collection of fees, event administration, logistics, course materials, execution, and follow-up.
All participants register and communicate directly with MORE.
There is no cost to the hosting organization.
In recognition of your organization’s efforts as a host, MORE will provide one (1) registration and set of materials to a participant of your choice, at no cost to your organization.
2. SPONSOR a program;
Your organization sponsors a course offered internally to your organization, which may also include the public.
As a sponsoring organization, you manage marketing, planning, scheduling, registration, collection of course fees and site logistics.
MORE will work closely with you to coordinate dates, site needs, and event logistics.
MORE provides all course materials, execution and follow-up for participants.
As sponsor, your organization will be given a discounted fee schedule that allows you to determine the final participant charge you will choose to collect from each registrant or attendee. The difference between MORE's invoiced amount and what fees you collect are your profit to keep.
As sponsor, you will be invoiced directly by MORE for the event costs as agreed in advance.
A 50% deposit is required to schedule and “lock-in” the date(s) you select as sponsor.
In the case of sponsor cancellation or under enrollment, the deposit is non-refundable, but may be applied toward a rescheduled event or any other MORE offering you may choose to sponsor.
The balance of payment is due on the date of event delivery.
For more information about hosting or spnsoring a course, contact MORE at info@MORE-Outdoor.com